7. March 2025
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Exploring Hamburg with the HADAG Public Ferries – Line 73

This episode of my Hamburg Public Ferry trip report takes you to my favorite route of all, Line 73 (see overview posting). Even though the trip is comparably short, the channels you navigate along are rather narrow, so that you have great views of the facilities on both sides of the ferry. Hope you enjoy my impressions for the Northern German city in Pictured Story format.


HADAG Ferries – Route 73 – The Route

Ferrry Route 73 operates from Bridge 1 of the Landungsbrücken, which is on the very left when you get down to the long quay. There are just three stops after the ferry is departing. The final stop is Ernst-August-Schleuse. However, if the tide is too high, the vessel cannot pass the Ellerholzbrücke and thus already stops and turns around at the Argentinienbrücke (with a long stop there). Unfortunately, this also happened during my trip.

In the very early morning and the afternoon hours, the ferry operates every twenty minutes with a forty minute rhythm in between and thereafter. Again, this is due to that the main reason for this ferry is to transport workers into the harbor. For that reason, Ferry Route 73 only operates Monday to Friday. The total cruise time (one-way) from Landungsbrücken to Ernst-August-Schleuse is 15 minutes. An earlier stop at Argentinienbrücke cuts down the travel time to twelve minutes.


HADAG Ferries – Route 73 – My Trip (Pictured Story)

From the Landungsbrücken, Ferry Line 73 directly crosses the Elbe River in Southeast direction. The Theater im Hafen stop is very popular in the afternoon and in the evening, when the two theaters next to each other run their musical shows. At the time of publishing, the theaters feature the German versions of Lion King (“König der Löwen”) and Frozen (“Die Eiskönigin”). Out of musical times, the only reason to get out there might be the view over hamburg and the Space Elephant statue by Salvador Dali.

The mixture of harbor facilities you explore from Ferry Line 73 is really quite widespread. The view to the right (on the outgoing trip) / the West mainly gives you a view to container facilities. However, there are also a couple of docks. The East side majorly features petroleum and oil handling. As said above, you are rather close to both shores, so that you have a great view. Some traditional style companies also give you some amazing views.


As said, we were unable to take the full route during my visit. The good thing was that this gave me some more time to explore the paintings around Argentinienbrücke. On the return cruise, I especially enjoyed to have a view of the Elbe Philharmonic Hall (Elbphilharmonie), when we approached the Landungsbrücken again.


HADAG Ferries Trip Report – The Episodes

The episodes of my small Hamburg public ferries trip report are given in the order of the ferry line numbering, not in chronologically the way I published them:


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