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Diane Birch – Flying On Abraham

Diane Birch - Flying On Abraham




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  • Lovely melodies with a good atmosphere
  • Beautiful lyrics

It is more than ten years ago since singer-songwriter Diane Birch released her latest album. On 12th April 2024, she shared her third album overall, Flying on Abraham. I enjoyed a first brief listen and decided to share a deeper look into it with you.


Diane Birch – About The Artist

Diane Birch is an US-American singer-songwriter. Born on 24th January 1983 in Michigan, she is nowadays doing music, which is influenced by soul, blues and rock elements. She turned into a professional artist in 2009, when she also released her debut album Bible Belt. In 2013, she added her sophomore album Speak a Little Louder. So far, there are three EPs on top of that in her discography. Thereafter, there were just a few single releases.


Diane Birch – Flying On Abraham – Track by Track

The ten track album lasts 50 minutes.

1. Wind Machine

Wind Machine opens the album with a fine melody. The song touches blues as well as pop-ish vibes, but stays rather on the calm and quiet side. Diane Birch’s vocals and the lyrics are clearly in focus. A nice opener, which also has a decent presence of the electric guitar.

2. Jukebox Johnny

Face all over town
Hey look it’s me
In real time but it’s ancient history
Go slow lady with the searching fingers
You got enough for a sleepless night

Kicking off just with these words and some synth sounds, Jukeboy Johnny soon becomes more complex and also develops a rather nice groove. There is even a touch of jazz in the rhythm of the song.

3. Moto Moon

The strumming guitars and the piano melodies of Moto Moon lead to typical Americana vibes in this third track. The very melodic and joyful chorus is the heartbeat of the song. In line with the lyrics, there is even an airport interlude in the second half. I like the multi-vocal singing in the song as well.

Roll in the mist
I can still see spaceships in the sky
Who can resist
Holdin’ our faces on tonight
Don’t matter where your goin’
We got a motor to the moon

4. Shade

Shade is driven by very accentuated piono play, which leads to a very special and characteristic style. Overall, the song keeps on with the dreaming, emotional style of Flying over Abraham. Especially the chorus also shows a touch of soul.

5. Critic’s Lullaby

Indeed, the Critic’s Lullaby comes in an especially harmonic and calming style. There is a stronger touch of soul in the song, which is majorly driven by the piano and drums on the instrumental side. The song feels very intense – a lovely listen with a nice ballad touch.

6. Boys On Canvas

The piano theme, which is opening Boys On Canvas already leads in a more agitated and dynamic direction than its predecessor. However, the sixth track of the album also has some slowdowns in its tempo. Especially the rather groovy sections of the track lead to a cool touch.

‘Cause I only fall in love
with boys on canvas
I forget my loneliness
this side of the glass
I only fall in love
with boys on canvas
so blow me a little kiss to this
side of the glass

7. Juno

The seventh listen on Flying on Abraham is Juno. The song is a very gentle song, which is slowly tootling for 5:28 minutes. Thus, it might not be the most catching song at first sight – but the song definitely comes with beauty, the more you listen to it.

8. Russian Doll

Just like a Russian Doll
Big girl inside you’re small
Soakin’ up your covers in the night
Ain’t no joke the best ain’t comin’ the easiest
So get down to the heart of it all
My little Russian Doll

After this rather quiet episode, the memories about Diane Birch’s Russian doll feels very intense. A wider instrumental setup, more energy and very present drumming define the listen of this song. Nice.

9. Used To Lovin’ You

The second last song of the album is Used To Lovin’ You. The gently thumbing bass drum even feels to some dance vibes. The single release has a nice groove with a nice collaboration of drumming and a laid back bass line. They sometimes even risk to dominate the sound of the track.

10. Trampoline

The for six minute closing track Trampoline, the piano is taking the opening role again. After a rather energetic part at the beginning, the song runs into a lovely and harmonic flow. Diane Birch’s voice is in major focus in this song again, but the instruments do add a lovely melodic touch.


Diane Birch – Flying On Abraham – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Diane Birch – Flying On Abraham – My View

Flying On Abraham is a gentle, very fine and melodic song. It nicely creates different times of atmosphere. If you enjoy listening to music and deep dive into the story of the songs, Diane Birch published a lovely option for that. A second listen turns this album into an even better one.

Favorite Song: Russian Doll


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