25. March 2025
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Czech Rail (CD) Railjet Business Class

Ceske drahy Railjet Business Class

+65 CZK (supplement compared to 1st class reservation)



Flyctory.com Pros

  • Great seat
  • Rather small upgrade costs for 1st Class passengers
  • Comparably low upgrade fee from 1st Class

I really enjoy riding the Railjet. The type of trains is majorly the backbone of the Austrian high-speed rail network. In August 2024, I had a Railjet ride from Dresden Main Station to Berlin Main Station. I was delighted when a blue and white (instead of the Austrian red) Railjet train approached Dresden Main Station when 4. The blue color means that the train is operated by Ceske drahy (or CD), the Czech national rail. Let’s take a look into their premium product, the Business Class, together.




CD Railjet Business Class – Network and Tariff

The main line of the Czech Railjet is a service between Prague’s main station, Praha hl.n. and Graz Main Station in Austria. It passes several stations including Brno and Vienna (three stations) on its way. Scattered services stay in Czechia and connect Prague and Brno only. Once a day in each direction, though, there is also a direct connection between Graz and Berlin, which is heading on North from Prague to Usti nad Labem, Decin, Dresden (Main Station) and Berlin.

It is very hard to determine a fare for these trips. There are multiple saver tickets, which are significantly lower than the ordinary first class tickets. If you require a seat reservation, it is cheaper to buy it from Czech rail than from one of their peers. Technically, the business class is only a seat reservation upgrade to First Class. It is 100 CZK (compared to an ordinary First Class seat reservation of 35 CZK). The third and lowest class on a Railjet train is the Second Class.


CD Railjet Business Class  – Rolling Stock

There are two generations of Railjet Trains. Czech rail CD only owns seven trains of he first generation. Including the separate engine, the train length is some 205m, it runs on a top speed of 230 km/h. Like the Austrian version of that train, the Railjet comes with eight cars, numbered 21 to 27. 27 contains the additional cockpit, First Class and Business Class seating. The Czech rail version has a shared First Class and restaurant in car 26, while this configuration is in car 25 for the Austrian version. The Austrian version comes with one additional First Class wagon (and, thus, has one 2nd Class car less). Thus, the total capacity of passengers in the Czech train version is slightly higher than in the Austrian one.


CD Railjet Business Class  – The Compartment

The Czech Railjet Business Class only consists of six business class seats, coming in a 1-1 configuration, i.e. one seat on each side. On each side of the train, there is one individual seat and two seats facing each other. However, the comfortable chairs facing each other are slightly staggered, so that you have very comfortable legroom. The padded eats can be reclined and also offer a footrest and a table in one of the armrests. For my body size, the table was too close to the body, though. There also also power outlets close to the seat. The overhead compartments are equivalent to those in First Class. There is a luggage rack in First Class, right behind the Business Class section, which is just separated by signs from the remaining car.

The overhead compartments are equivalent to those in First Class. There is a luggage rack in First Class, right behind the Business Class section, which is just separated by signs from the remaining car. There are also status screens. They did not work as our service had to take a diversion in Germany.


CD Railjet Business Class- Service

The service in Business Class is amazing. You have restaurant service on your seat. The Czech menu offers some amazing choices, which really meet good restaurant quality. I had a lovely meal which you can find in my 18th edition of my Food I Had Onboard. Furthermore, guests the CD’s top class get free bottles of water. Toilets are located at the end of the car. The staff was extremely friendly and attentive, speaking German, English and Czech very well.


CD Railjet – First Class Impressions

The CD First Class is located right next to the small Business Class section. The 2-1 configured seats are comfortable as well. However, they definitely do not lead to such a high standard as the Business Class section.


CD Railjet Business Class – My View

The Ceske drahy Railjet Business Class is an outstanding product. The upgrade to First Class is rather cheap, the seat is very relaxing and the crew was excellent. I really loved riding this train, which easily makes it to the Top Pick! ranking.


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Flyctory.com and Czechia

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