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Michael Lane – Take It Slow

Michael Lane - Take It Slow




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Lovely voice and good arrangements
  • Nice stories

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Too monotonous
  • Just four new songs (plus a new version)

When I listened to Michael Lane’s album Traveling Son in October 2019, I absolutely enjoyed the sound of the US-German artist, who became big as part of a TV talent show. On 18th February 2022, Lane is back with a new album. Enjoy my write about Take It Slow.


Michael Lane – About The Artist

I put a bit of bio information in the Traveling Son review already, so that I shorten it here. Lane is a son of a US-American father and a German mother, being born in Nuremberg in 1986. Take It Slow is Lane’s fifth studio album.


Michael Lane – Take It Slow – Track by Track

The ten track album lasts 39 minutes.

1. Take It Slow

The album is covering songs from quite a time period: the opening title track has been in fact released in June 2020 already. The song comes with the typical Michael Lane folk-pop touch in a dream-ish atmosphere and his falsetto voice. The acoustic guitar is strumming in the background. That’s all he needs. And it is a good listen.

2. Good Times

Good Times has much more ease and thus feels to be a bit more like a pop track. A song which makes you smile and gives happiness, even though there are also some quiet and thoughtful passages.

3. Ladybug (Sunset Mix)

Ladybug is another wonderful example, how Michael Lane is able to create a lovely atmosphere with rather limited arrangements. The chorus stays in your mind, the guitar feels to be a bit harp-alike here and there – I absolutely enjoy that.

4. Coming Home

The fourth song is a beautiful combination of a love song and praising being at home. And our home feels like a sanctuary for the soul. It will never get old when we’re here in our home. Very enjoyable listen.

5. Fire in the Night

The album features ten tracks. Five of them have already been released as singles – and it end with another version of the (already released) title track. This leads to the unfortunate situation that Fire in the Night is the first really new song on the album – we are already at half time. This one comes with a bit of stronger instrumentation, especially on the rhythmic side. The song has a nice vibe.

6. Moment

On the melodic side, Moment does not feel to add too much. The most catching element feel the choir alike-sections to me. The track is the longest one on the album, apart from the alternative version of Take It Slow. Unfortunately, it rather feels lengthy than epic to me.

7. Open Road

Open Road is coming with an easier melody. The song is touching country music. A good listen, even though the song feels to be very in line with the remaining album.

8. Moon & Sun

And I will never forget where I come from, and I am the moon and I am the sun. The eighth song is having a light, touch again, but becomes stronger in the second half. One of my favorite songs of the album.

9. Be Still

The backing rhythm adds more atmosphere to Be Still than you may initially think it would. Nice instrumentation and a nice song.

10. Take It Slow (Organic Edit)

The album closes with the slightly more stripped version of the title track. The tenth track is also prolonged by some one minute, compared to the opener. Count it as a bonus track – overall, I feel this one does not really add too much.


Michael Lane – Take It Slow – Track by Track

Here is Take It Slow on Spotify:


Michael Lane – Take It Slow – Track by Track

After Traveling Son, I hoped for an even better album. Unfortunately, I feel that this mission did not work out. One factor is that there are too many already known songs on the album. But, more than that, I miss surprising sounds, dramatic changes in the character of the tracks. Good, but no cigar.


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