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Luna Klee – Mein Kopf, mein Bauch, mein Herz

Luna Klee - Mein Kopf, mein Bauch, mein Herz




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Great young talent
  • Overall, very good production

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Not sure if these lyrics are really truthful

A talent show changed the life of a teenage German artist – and the result is this album. Luna Klee is releasing her debut album Mein Kopf, mein Bauch, mein Herz (“My head, my belly, my heart”). I could already have a listen before the release date, which is 19th August 2022.


Luna Klee – About The Artist

Luna Klee is a 16 year old artist from Sonneberg (Thuringia) in Germany. Nowadays, she is living in Coburg in Bavaria, which is fact not too far apart from Sonneberg. At the age of 15, she won the talent competition Schlagerstar von morgen (“Schlager star of tomorrow”), at which she competed as the youngest of all artists. Apart from doing music, Luna Neugebauer (which is her civil name) is also taking part in athletics competitions. For example, she finished eighth in the Northern Bavarian Indoor Championships over 60 meters in early 2022.


Luna Klee – Mein Kopf, mein Bauch, mein Herz – Track by Track

The fourteen track album lasts 50 minutes.

1. Du fühlst dich gut an

The opener (“You feel good”) is a typical schlager track. Luna Klee does not sound at all like a teenage girl, her voice is very mature, but also very gentle. This is a nice fit to a bit too soppy lyrics. Definitely a promising first track.

2. Dein Blick (Your Eyes)

The song feels familiar to you? The first single release by Luna Klee is a cover version of Your Eyes, which you may still remember from the La Boum 2 movie. A bit too traditional for a teenage artist, maybe – but it is a nice listen indeed.

3. Wunder wie du

The title of the third track translates to “Wonders like you”. The song has a very present rhythm. Again, Luna’s voice creates a lovely, catching element. The backing vocals are a bit too much maybe – otherwise the song had some potential to attract pop music listeners as well.

4. Mein Kopf, mein Bauch, mein Herz

The title track starts as a piano ballad, which gets more energy in the chorus. I struggle with this song. On the one hand, it is beautifully written and nicely illustrates the vocal talent of Luna Klee. On the other hand, these lyrics are simply not the way a teenage young lady would express these kinds of feelings, would they?

Mein Kopf, mein Bauch, mein Herz
Sie spüren es alle gleich
Ich lieb mich mit Dir himmelwärts
Ich flieg, bin federleicht

(“My head, my belly, my heart,
They all feel it the same way
I love myself with you towards heaven
I fly, am light like a feather”)

5. Sonne und Mond

Sonne und Mond (“Sun and Moon”) is a rather slow track, which feels to emerge from the very kitschy-most 1980’s schlager times. I am sure that this song has got its fans, but I again struggle to believe that this is a truthful recording. The vocal performance is again very precise, though.

6. Und vor mir das Meer

The sixth song has a more rhythmic and modern touch again. Und vor mir das Meer, unendlich blau, wenn ich in Deine Augen schau’ – “The ocean in front of me, infinitely blue, when I look into your eyes”. The song describes an encounter during a train ride. Maybe I need to have a look into North Bavarian trains as well – they seem to create very special feelings.

7. Phantasie

The soppy-o-meter is rising again while listening to this song. Luna Klee is singing with a very high and powerful voice during these 3:45 minutes. I feel this is a bit too much for the young artist at some spots of this recording. Overall, Phantasie does not add that much value to this set of tracks.

8. Maikäfer

The eighth song is a track about a “cockchafer” (that’s at least the song title). Luna wants to be alone, while this animal is at her window. The result… Reminds me a bit of North Bavarian train rides.

Wenn Du auch friest, komm doch rein
Zusammen sind wir weniger allein
Hey, Du bist schön,
Maikäfer, Maikäfer,
Weit kannst Du sehen
Maikäfer, Maikäfer, flieg
Nimm mich mit
An den Ort, an dem die Sonne heller scheint
Und Liebe noch siegt
Maikäfer, Maikäfer, flieg

(“If you are freezing as well, just come in
We are less alone together
Hey, you are beautiful
Cockchafer, cockchafer,
You can see far away
Cockchafer, cockchafer, fly
Take me with you
To the place where the sun is shining more brighly
And love is still winning
Cockchafer, cockchafer, fly”)

9. Gold

Gold is a bit of ballad alike, even though the song has rather quiet part as well as sections of rather intense listen. Nice, beautiful, a bit of fragile listen, which is technically very in line with the previous tracks.

10. Luftballon

Already the first verse is working towards the main message of the chorus, “Love is like a balloon”. The song is a typical schlager track with a strong disco fox rhythm and a simple plot.

11. Liebe auf den 10. Blick

This track is about “Love at tenth sight”. The song has a nice vibe, it is even a bit of a summer-pop style. Yeah, the lyrics are about love (I guess there won’t be any other topic) and they are also a bit too emotional, but actually, it is a nice pop-ish listen with a good arrangement.

12. Frag mich

The twelfth song is a nice schlager background track: a good vibe, a good melody line in the chorus. Simple, easy listen – and Luna does a good vocal performance as well.

13. Dann bist es du

Piano, strings, Luna. The second last song comes with a beautiful arrangement. Later some other instruments are joining to Dann bist es du (“Then it is you”). The song is almost five minutes long and a lovely, emotional performance.

14. Hinterm Horizont geht’s weiter

Luna’s debut album closes with the second cover song of the album. Her version of Hinterm Horizont geht’s weiter, an Udo Lindenberg classic, is an absolutely amazing listen. Great recording.


Luna Klee – Mein Kopf, mein Bauch, mein Herz – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify::


Luna Klee – Mein Kopf, mein Bauch, mein Herz – My View

Let’s start with the positive facts: It is not that surprising that this young lady won the schlager competition in 2021. Wow, she is really talented, great vocals. Nice to listen to this album, which has been recorded at a very high quality level. Like in other reviews of schlager albums by young artists, I however struggle whether the production team really picked the right songs. Is a 16 year old lady really just caring about love? Let her sing about her sport, about shopping, about wanting to break free, about… whatever she really (also) cares about. It would have made this good album even better. And it would add a stronger profile to this lady, make her less replaceable.


German Schlager Debut Reviews

Here are all my Media Reviews of debut EPs & albums related to German schlager:


Flyctory.com about Nuremberg

Here are all my postings related to Nuremberg (or Nürnberg) in Germany:

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