22. March 2025
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Lordi – Limited Deadition

Lordi - Limited Deadition




Flyctory.com Pros

  • A typical Lordi album
  • Nice concept
  • Good plot and atmosphere

Flyctory.com Cons

  • No outstanding tracks

No band as been as frequently featured in album reviews as Lordi. A key driver for that was the 2021 7CD(!) box Lordiversity. However, I have also featured the latest album of the Eurovision Song Contest winners. Screem Writers Guild. On 21st March 2025, the hard rock monsters are back with a new album. Here is my review of Limited Deadition. It is already the nineteenth studio album by the Finnish band.


Lordi – About The Artists

The Finnish monster hard rockers Lordi have been founded by Mr. Lordi in Rovaniemi in 1992. It was originally a solo project and developed towards a band in the 1990’s. Currently, the band consists of Hiisi (bass), Hella (keys), Mana (drums) and Kone (guitar). The most prestigious era of the band was in the early 2000’s. Already their debut single Would You Love a Monsterman? was a chart-topper and golden record in Finland. The corresponding album Get Heavy was a double platinum album there as well. With the Eurovision Song Contest-winning Hard Rock Hallelujah and the album The Arockalypse in 2006, the band massively enlarged their European fan base. Their 2023 Screem Writers Guild was a Top 10 in their home country, but also in the German Top 30.

Lordi – Limited Deadition – Track by Track

The sixteen song album lasts 45 minutes.

1. SCG XIX The Hexecutioners

The SCG tracks are already expected tradition in Lordi album. Also in their nineteenth release, the Finnish monsters start their album with a brief, about a minute intro track about The Hexecutioners. This time, the topic are mainly action figures in a wider sense.

2. Legends Are Made Of Cliches

Legends Are Made Of Cliches – woudn’t that be a wording, which suits to Lordi itself? The in-fact opener delivers exactly what Lordi fans are looking for. There are hard rock and metal elements, which come with an ease, which you would rather expect in pop sound. A cliche song – that’s what legends are made of, according to the title.

3. Syntax Terror

Lordi have experimented with different sounds, including disco pop. The synth-key intro to the single release Syntax Terror reminds of that genre – even though the monsters head into the very rocking sphere very quickly. Lordi is doing Lordi things. The songs might neither be too deep nor too complex. The fine irony in the tracks turn it to an easy-to-digest hard rock package. And where else do you find lyrics like
Rubidium, hot cesium, all liquid steel, hard rain for real in music?

4. Skelephant In The Room

Hella and her keyboard are opening the next one, Skelephant In The Room, as well. The song is rather slow and a great sing-a-long. The chorus feels just like being perfectly made for the upcoming tour dates.

Skelephant in the room
Crashing out of its closet
As if no one would notice
Skelephant in the room
Agree to be blinded
Look the other way

5. SCGTV Saturday Night Main Event

The SCGTV tracks are interlude tracks. Limited Deadition features for of them. This one is the first one, just a 20 second episode. Reminds me of the good, old MTV Celebrity Deathmatch.

6. Killharmonic Orchestra

After this short “TV” break, Lordi features the Killharmonic Orchestra. After the lighter listens before, this one is a treat for guitar lovers. Despite the chorus lyrics Death by overture – Killharmonic orchestra, this song is, however, not exploring the darkest and hardest metal spheres, but stays in a “mainstream metal” range.

7. Collectable

After the Killharmonic Orchestra, the difference to Collectable couble not be bigger. The song is a ballad with acoustic guitar sounds and choir-alike vocal in the chorus. This one had a chance to be performed at a German schlager TV show – at least the first part. The bridge offers some more rocking parts. Overall, a surprisingly gentle, but really nice power ballad.

I’m collectible
But I come with a curse
You gotta have the set to save your soul
You feel the urge
I’m collectible

8. SCGTV Monstersquad Action Figures

This interlude has a TV advertisement style. The Lordi band as action figures – I would buy them!

9. Fangoria

Fangoria is a very characteristic song for Lordi in these days. The song is driven by the string section of the Finnish rock orchestra, but there are nice elements added from the keyboard as well. Especially the bridge shows some quite nice instrumental elements. A nice listen.

10. Hellizabeth

Hellizabeth – another track title, which just feels so (stereo)typical for Mr. Lordi and his bandmates. Even though the song starts rather rocking, it does very hymnic and melodic elements. A nice single release with a good dramatic plot.

11. SCGTV The Hexecutioners Seasion

The penultimate SCGTV interlude offers some fictional teaser for a TV series.

12. Retropolis

The last song on the album, which has been released beforehand, is Retropolis. The song reminds me of earlier Lordi albums. This also implies that Lordi fans likely loved this one, which is more on the hard rock side, when it has been released.

13. Frighteousness

With FrighteousnessLimited Deadition presents another slow and emotional tracks. Nonetheless, the pre-chorus and chorus also gives a flash on the rock energy by the band. The bridge is a lovely guitar solo as well. Thus, it is not really a rock ballad, but a gentle hard rocker – with the typical Lordi touch.

I can help you get revenge
With frighteousness
All I ask is that you pledge
With frighteousness

14. SCGTV Crazee Ralph Promo

TV break again – this time it is time for another fictional TV ad. Needless to say that you shouldn’t take these ones too seriously.

15. Limited Deadition

Finally, the penultimate track of the album features the title song. The song start very energetic, but is definitely not a core track of the album. Thus, I cannot deny a certain level of disappointment during the listen.

16. You Might Be Deceased

After the rather average listen beforehand, Lordi are going for full rock power in their final track. You Might Be Deceased is a treat for fans of the band, who are rather on the harder rock and metal side – and still enjoy the smart use of melodic elements in the song as well.


Lordi – Limited Deadition – Spotify

Here is the Lordi album on Spotify:


Lordi – Limited Deadition – My View

You listen to Lordi, you get Lordi. Limited Deadition is likely no major milestone in the band history. Apart from some catching songs and surprises like Collectable, the album does offer Lordi sound. That’s their concept, that’s why fans love them. That’s also why their concerts are a lot of fun. They don’t write hard rock or metal history (any more – they did already in 2006), but they are unique. Finally, you get eleven full songs and five atmospheric tracks (which are at least entertaining) in here.

Favorite Song: Legends Are Made of Cliches


Lordi on Flyctory.com

Here are all postings related to the hard rock/metal band Lordi from Finland on Flyctory.com:


Floorball Postings 2025

Here are all my floorball-related postings published in 2025:

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