Strife 85 – Memories Kill Butterflies
I already featured the Nuremberg-based band Strife 85 twice in my Songs of the Week this year. Right before the holiday, the band is gifting themselves …
Travel, Music, Sports & More
Music by German artists (regardless of the genre)
I already featured the Nuremberg-based band Strife 85 twice in my Songs of the Week this year. Right before the holiday, the band is gifting themselves …
Typically, there are two sorts of album reviews at I received the vast majority of reviews as a promo way before release and then …
The Christmas countdown is steadily running to zero – which more and more means that new releases get sparse. I already have some 15 promos …
A vacation album? The title Urlaub in der Bredouille sounds like a road trip album to some French region… But if you speak German, you …
A big name in the schlager business: 41 years after Andreas Martin releases his very first studio album, he is still active. It is named Hier …
Aufbruch is a very interesting EP release from Germany as of 15th December 2023. The band recording it, Ticket To Happiness is doing very energetic and …
Not only during the carnival season, music is a core part of the identify of my home town Cologne. Thus, I was absolutely curious when …
John Garner – this musical act name sounds like a solo artist, but is in fact a quintet. The German band is already releasing their …
Unfortunately, I could not complete the Country Christmas Playlist this year due to technical issues. However, since the days become shorter and colder, I have …
I am a bit of angry as the tool I loved to use to scan for new country releases does not seem to work any …
December, when the frequency of album releases significantly decreases, is also a time for me to have some more outside-of-the-box and fun album reviews. Moon River …
Even though the soil in Monheim was quite muddy, the Ben Zucker concert I had there in July was definitely a highlight of 2023. Now, …