26. February 2025
Home » Browse Articles Geographically

Browse Articles Geographically


To ease the browsing of contents on Flyctory.com, I also introduced regional tagging for the articles where it is appropriate (examples for non-tagged articles are for example reviews of intercontinentally operating airlines or general topics in the Just blogging section).

II feel that with the roll-out of the map view on Flyctory.com, having regions like Central & Western Europe becomes more and more unnecessary. You will still find some regional tags on the website, but I am planning to remove them step by step the next weeks. I feel it is much more convenient to browse the postings on a map:

Most Flyctory.com Travel Postings on a Map


List of Flyctory.com Country Tags

With the increasing number of posts on Flyctory.com, it was more and more evident that browsing by regions may lead to too long lists of results. Thus, I decided to additionally introduce country tags for those countries which are touched in a sufficient number of postings. For the countries, I tag any country involved. For the Serbia – India Davis Cup 2018 tie in Kraljevo, Serbia, for example, I tagged both countries, Serbia and India.

For some of the countries, I will start to introduce City tags as well if there is a significant number of postions from a city or its surrounding. This for example leads to a city tag for Chattanooga TN – just because I happened to be there twice in my life for different reasons. They will be listed in here as well. Remote parts of countries like islands like Kinmen, Taiwan, are tagged generally. Please note that not all countries are covered by travel experience, but some are music or sports only.


* Already defined, but contents to follow soon