What is the shortest flight time between Canada and the European Union? Can you walk from the USA to Russia? Is there a bridge between North America and Europe? While the first two questions are not in scope of this Pictured…
“Climbing” the Monte Troodelöh, Cologne’s Highest Point
My beloved home town Cologne, Germany, is always a bit of crazy – not just during the carnival days. Thus, the (hi)story of the Monte Troodelöh, the highest point of the city, feels to fit perfectly to the history and…
Two Northern Curacao National Park Gems
The Curacao National Park Shete Boka and Christoffel Park offer very different, but fascinating views of the island’s flora and fauna. Shete Boka is thereby showing Curacao’s rough Northeastern coastline and the amazing power of the ocean, while Christoffel Park includes the island’s highest…