SV Menden – 1. FC Köln 3:5 (0:3) (31st July 2019)
Same procedure as last year? Same procedure as every year! The traditional women soccer pre-season test match between my home town local district club SV …
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All about soccer
Same procedure as last year? Same procedure as every year! The traditional women soccer pre-season test match between my home town local district club SV …
I already visited a couple of stadium tours with in the past. My home and heart soccer club, 1. FC Köln (FC Cologne) offers …
Before I visited Danielle Hope’s amazing show at the Zedel near Piccadilly Circus, I decided to go for another Stadium Tour. This time, I travelled …
A couple of music and theater events made me travel to Glasgow a couple of times in the recent past. I had some amazing experience …
I have to give in: I am a Manchester United follower (fan would be too much) since the 1990s. In the late years of this …
The Swiss metropole Zurich is FIFA city. Even if you haven’t ever seen them from inside, the headquarters of the most important individual sports federation …
Visiting the women soccer pre-season between SV Menden, a team from my home town St. Augustin near Bonn, and the famous named 1. FC Köln …
You won’t find Patricia Hanebeck in the ranking of the most successful German women soccer players if you you drill down the hall of fame …