Esterwegen Concentration Camp Memorial
During the Nazi regency in Germany, the Emslandlager (Emsland Camps) was a group of concentration and detention camps in the Emsland region, Northwest of the country. Nowadays, …
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Museums with most of the attractions under open air.
During the Nazi regency in Germany, the Emslandlager (Emsland Camps) was a group of concentration and detention camps in the Emsland region, Northwest of the country. Nowadays, …
There are a few Turf House Museums you can visit in Iceland. The UNESCO is even thinking about putting this unique kind of architecture on …
The same faith which applies to Oswiecim in Poland (better known under the former German name Auschwitz) is also valid, maybe even more, for Brzezinka. …
Auschwitz is a town’s name (adopted to German) which you typically link with murder, cruelty, state-organized mass killings, injustice. A place which is unfortunately not …
Papenburg has some more interesting places other than the famous Meyer Werft. At the opposite part of the town, my wife and I visited the …
The story why I felt I had to visit the Bergisches Museum für Bergbau, Handwerk und Handel – the Bergisches Museum for Mining, Craft & …
When you visit Dubai or the United Arab Emirates in general, you likely think about the parks, skyscrapers, sun and fun. In fact, the area …
Two Olympic Gold Medals and multiple other medals and World Cup victories (with a special focus on Super-G) – undoubtedly, Markus Wasmeier is one of …
The Canary Islands have not only been a key hub for maritime travels (Gran Canaria has, for example, been a stop on Columbus’ travels to …
There are not too many museums about African history and culture on the European continent. Thus, the Afrika Museum in the Limburg province, Netherlands is …
Especially in the recent past, I read a couple of ridiculous comparisons between certain people and political groups (which I would definitely agree that they …
On 1st July 2002, Überlingen at Lake Constance (Bodensee) gain notoriety not only in Germany: two planes, a Tupolev TU-154M by Bashkirian Airways and a …